Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

10 Controversial Mental Disorders

Diposting oleh A note blog di 2:28 PM 1 komentar
I don’t adhere to the school of thought which says mental illness is a myth; there are, undeniably, some crazy people in the world. It is quite apparent, however, that psychiatry has been used to stigmatize and control people on many occasions since its inception, especially nonconformists, free thinkers and those at odds with authority. Here are 10 of the most pseudoscientific mental disorders ever proposed, some from the past, and some from today.

Female Hysteria
Hysteria was a common diagnosis for feisty and disobedient women, dating back to Ancient Greece. Greek philosophers, including Hippocrates and Plato, viewed the womb as a living creature that wandered through a woman’s body, often causing disease. In fact, the word “hysteria” is derived from the Greek word for uterus (hysteria). Insomnia, nervousness, irritability, loss of appetite, fluid retention, muscle spasms and many other symptoms were said to result from the wandering womb. Though hysteria was a common diagnosis for nuns, virgins and widows throughout the Middle Ages, the disease truly exploded in 19th century America and Europe, creating a huge market for vibrators, douches and similar devices. One physician, in 1859, even claimed a quarter of all women suffered from hysteria, while another compiled a 75 page list of hysteria symptoms, only to state it was still incomplete. The most common prescriptions for hysteria were, of course, sex and masturbation, sometimes performed by the doctor himself, until the patient experienced “hysterical paroxysm” (orgasm).

Many forget that homosexuality was, and is still, considered a mental disorder by many. The American Psychiatric Association did not declassify homosexuality as a mental illness until 1973. Gays were considered mentally ill in China until 2001, after 5 years of intensive study by the Chinese Society of Psychiatry. In many countries around the world, gays are still considered insane and immoral, facing punishment, ostracism and even death.

Drapetomania was a purported mental illness that caused black slaves to flee captivity, described by American doctor Samuel Cartwright, in 1851. According to Cartwright, the illness resulted from masters who “made themselves too familiar with [slaves], treating them as equals” and prescribed “whipping the devil out of them” as a “preventative measure.” In his work, Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race, Cartwright’s justification for drapetomania is primarily Biblical, citing the idea that slaves must obey their masters.

Dysaethesia Aethiopica
Here’s another alleged mental illness from Samuel Cartwright, describing widespread laziness and “rascality” amongst blacks, particularly “free negroes.” Again, he prescribed whipping as a cure, which would make the black “look grateful and thankful to the white man whose compulsory power … has restored his sensation and dispelled the mist that clouded his intellect.” The name of the disease roughly translates to “abnormal Ethiopian perception.”

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Into the modern era… People who suffer from this “disorder” are said to be depressed in the winter and happy in the summer. That sounds a lot like sanity to me. Come to Minnesota and try not to suffer from this. Popular treatments for SAD include bright light therapy, in which a person stares at a bright light for 30-60 minutes daily, costly air ionizers, “dawn simulation,” and even antidepressants.
Though it literally translates to “fear of chemicals,” this term is used by some psychologists, scientists and organizations to describe those concerned about the “industrial,” “synthetic,” “artificial,” and “man-made” particularly with regards to food and drink. An article by the American Enterprise Institute on chemophobia boldly states “The false idea that our bodies have become ‘toxic waste dumps’ is not just wrong but counterproductive.” Do they really think there’s no correlation between the skyrocketing rates of cancer and the increase of chemical additives in the food supply? It’s probably only a matter of time before psychiatrists use this word to describe people who resist chemotherapy for cancer (i.e. Daniel Hauser has “chemophobia”).

Orthorexia Nervosa
This “disorder” is similar to chemophobia. According to its discoverer, Steven Bratman, orthorexia, also known as “healthy eating disorder,” is a “fixation with healthy or righteous eating.” This can include people who avoid fats, sugars, salt, caffeine, alcohol, gluten, preservatives, food additives and animal products, as well as raw foodists. This condition is not officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association, but is still promoted by some psychologists, and news outlets such as ABC. In my opinion, an obsession with health food that becomes detrimental to an individual should be considered a form of OCD or anorexia, not “orthorexia.” By the way, why isn’t a fixation with eating unhealthy foods considered a mental disorder? If it was, it would probably be the most common in the Western world.

I’m expecting this to be one of the more controversial items on the list, but allow me to make a few points if you will. First, note there is no objective medical test to determine if someone is autistic. There are only varying lists of behavioral traits, some of which are vague enough to fit anyone. Supposed symptoms of autism given by the Autism Society of America, and other organizations, include “insistence on sameness,” “little or no eye contact,” “fixation with certain objects or subjects,” and “preference to be alone.” So in other words, if your child is different, perhaps shy or introverted, they may be autistic and require behavioral therapy, medication and special schooling. What I find particularly fraudulent about autism is the “autism spectrum,” which seemingly every human being could fall into, with vague symptoms like “insistence on sameness” and “fixation with certain objects or subjects.” Should we start placing people with moles, cysts and skin tags on the “cancer spectrum,” or people with tans on the “burn spectrum?”

There is certainly a huge industry which has developed around this supposed mental illness. Almost six million children in the United States, alone, have been diagnosed with it, with most going on one or more medications. Many of these medications, including Lexapro, Adderall and Ritalin, contain dangerous amphetamines, associated with a slew of side effects including chronic headaches, high blood pressure, lethargy, seizures, weakened immune system, stunted growth, depression, suicidal thoughts and even death; according to the FDA, Ritalin accounted for the deaths of at least 186 children between 1990 and 2000. A great number of studies show the true cause of the ADHD as a diet high in refined sugar, food additives and common allergens like gluten and lactose. Some would even argue that hyperactivity is a normal part of being a kid, and that many parents nowadays are just too lazy or ineffectual to discipline their children.

Personality Disorder
Screen Shot 2011-08-10 At 04.59.46
This blanket term incorporates syndromes such as schizophrenia, OCD, antisocial personality disorder, and borderline personality disorder. The APA defines a personality disorder as “an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the individual who exhibits it.” This definition raises some very important questions about the nature of, not just personality disorders, but all mental illness. It seems that in all cases, diagnosis is contingent upon cultural standards of normalcy, and what if certain mores in our culture are arbitrary or immoral? Who are psychiatrists to deem what constitutes normality to begin with? Here’s an additional dilemma. The words “disorder” and “illness” imply a handicap- an inability to function successfully- yet many people with “mental illnesses” are highly successful entrepreneurs and entertainers. Bill Gates for example, is considered by many to be autistic. What if some “mental illnesses” are actually gifts which allow people to excel above “normal” human beings? Think about that one. By the way, if you disagree with anything on this list, you may have Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Top 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World

Diposting oleh A note blog di 12:54 PM 0 komentar
Language is perhaps the most important function of the human body – it allows us to get sustenance as a child, it allows us to get virtually anything we want as an adult, and it allows us many hours of entertainment through literature, radio, music, and films. This list (in order of least to most spoken) summarizes the most important languages in use today.
Eiffel Tower Paris003
Number of speakers: 129 million
Often called the most romantic language in the world, French is spoken in tons of countries, including Belgium, Canada, Rwanda, Cameroon, and Haiti. Oh, and France too. We’re actually very lucky that French is so popular, because without it, we might have been stuck with Dutch Toast, Dutch Fries, and Dutch kissing (ew!).
To say “hello” in French, say “Bonjour” (bone-JOOR).

Photo Lg Indonesia
Number of speakers: 159 million
Malay-Indonesian is spoken – surprise – in Malaysia and Indonesia. Actually, we kinda fudged the numbers on this one because there are many dialects of Malay, the most popular of which is Indonesian. But they’re all pretty much based on the same root language, which makes it the ninth most-spoken in the world.
Indonesia is a fascinating place; a nation made up of over 13,000 islands it is the sixth most populated country in the world. Malaysia borders on two of the larger parts of Indonesia (including the island of Borneo), and is mostly known for its capital city of Kuala Lumpur.
To say “hello” in Indonesian, say “Selamat pagi” (se-LA-maht PA-gee).
Number of speakers: 191 million
Think of Portuguese as the little language that could. In the 12th Century, Portugal won its independence from Spain and expanded all over the world with the help of its famous explorers like Vasco da Gama and Prince Henry the Navigator. (Good thing Henry became a navigator . . . could you imagine if a guy named “Prince Henry the Navigator” became a florist?) Because Portugal got in so early on the exploring game, the language established itself all over the world, especially in Brazil (where it’s the national language), Macau, Angola, Venezuela, and Mozambique.
To say “hello” in Portuguese, say “Bom dia” (bohn DEE-ah).
Number of speakers: 211 million
In Bangladesh, a country of 120+ million people, just about everybody speaks Bengali. And because Bangladesh is virtually surrounded by India (where the population is growing so fast, just breathing the air can get you pregnant), the number of Bengali speakers in the world is much higher than most people would expect.
To say “hello” in Bengali, say “Ei Je” (EYE-jay).
Number of speakers: 246 million
Arabic, one of the world’s oldest languages, is spoken in the Middle East, with speakers found in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Egypt. Furthermore, because Arabic is the language of the Koran, millions of Moslems in other countries speak Arabic as well. So many people have a working knowledge of Arabic, in fact, that in 1974 it was made the sixth official language of the United Nations.
To say “hello” in Arabic, say “Al salaam a’alaykum” (Ahl sah-LAHM ah ah-LAY-koom).
St Petersburg212
Number of speakers: 277 million
Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, and Yakov Smirnoff are among the millions of Russian speakers out there. Sure, we used to think of them as our Commie enemies. Now we think of them as our Commie friends. One of the six languages in the UN, Russian is spoken not only in the Mother Country, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and the U.S. (to name just a few places).
To say “hello” in Russian, say “Zdravstvuite” (ZDRAST-vet-yah).
Number of speakers: 392 million
Aside from all of those kids who take it in high school, Spanish is spoken in just about every South American and Central American country, not to mention Spain, Cuba, and the U.S. There is a particular interest in Spanish in the U.S., as many English words are borrowed from the language, including: tornado, bonanza, patio, quesadilla, enchilada, and taco grande supreme.
To say “hello” in Spanish, say “Hola” (OH-la).
Photo Lg India
Number of speakers: 497 million
Hindustani is the primary language of India’s crowded population, and it encompasses a huge number of dialects (of which the most commonly spoken is Hindi). While many predict that the population of India will soon surpass that of China, the prominence of English in India prevents Hindustani from surpassing the most popular language in the world. If you’re interested in learning a little Hindi, there’s a very easy way: rent an Indian movie. The film industry in India is the most prolific in the world, making thousands of action/romance/musicals every year.
To say “hello” in Hindustani, say “Namaste” (Nah-MAH-stay).
180-400X-Tower Bridge
Number of speakers: 508 million
While English doesn’t have the most speakers, it is the official language of more countries than any other language. Its speakers hail from all around the world, including New Zealand, the U.S., Australia, England, Zimbabwe, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Canada. We’d tell you more about English, but you probably feel pretty comfortable with the language already. Let’s just move on to the most popular language in the world.
To say “hello” in English, say “What’s up, freak?” (watz-UP-freek).
Photo Lg China
Number of speakers: 1 billion+
Surprise, surprise, the most widely spoken language on the planet is based in the most populated country on the planet. Beating second-place English by a 2 to 1 ratio, but don’t let that lull you into thinking that Mandarin is easy to learn. Speaking Mandarin can be really tough, because each word can be pronounced in four ways (or “tones”), and a beginner will invariably have trouble distinguishing one tone from another. But if over a billion people could do it, so could you. Try saying hello!
To say “hello” in Mandarin, say “Ni hao” (Nee HaOW). (“Hao” is pronounced as one syllable, but the tone requires that you let your voice drop midway, and then raise it again at the end.)

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

More Than This-One Direction

Diposting oleh A note blog di 8:02 PM 0 komentar
I’m broken, do you hear me?
I’m blinded, ‘cause you are everything I see,
I’m dancin’ alone, I’m praying,
That your heart will just turn around,

And as I walk up to your door,
My eye turns to face the floor,
‘Cause I can’t look you in the eyes and say,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,
Can love you more than, this

If I’m louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down
In my arms and rescue me?
‘Cause we are the same
You saved me,
When you leave it’s gone again,

And when I see you on the street,
In his arms, I get weak,
My body fails, I’m on my knees,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

I’ve never had the words to say,
But now I’m askin’ you to stay
For a little while inside my arms,
And as you close your eyes tonight,
I pray that you will see the light,
That’s shining from the stars above,

(And I say)

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,

‘Cause I can love you more than this

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he opens his arms and hold you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,
Can love you more than this

Another World-One Direction

Diposting oleh A note blog di 7:53 PM 0 komentar
It's not me its not you there's a reason
I'm just tryna' read the signals I'm receiving
Just like a stone on fire can you feel it?
I don't know about you girl but I believe it

Words will be just words
Till you bring them, to life

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Everyday, in everyway
I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

One for me, one for you, whatcha doing?
Girl the music sounds so good when you're movin'
Let me take you higher let me prove it
'Cause hey hey pretty girl I believe it

Words will be just words
Till you bring them, to life

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Everyday, in everyway
I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Take you to another world
You know I'll take you to another world

Baby let me find out your secret
Just let me in and let me show you that I keep it
Close to my heart jump in the deep end
Just let me in and let me show you what I'm meaning

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Everyday, in everyway
I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Take you to another world
You know I'll take you to another world

I'll build you up
I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Take you to another world
I'll lift you up, I'll never stop

I Wish-One Direction

Diposting oleh A note blog di 6:37 PM 0 komentar
He takes your hand
I die a little
I watch your eyes
And I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?

When you walk by
I try to say it
But then I freeze
And never do it
My tongue gets tied
The words get trapped
I hear the beat of my heart getting louder
Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

He looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time, could just turn back
Cause I got three little words
That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

With my hands on your waist
While we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me
That you’ll call later on
Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish
Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me

Taken-One Direction

Diposting oleh A note blog di 6:34 PM 0 komentar
Now that you can't have me
You suddenly want me
Now that I'm with somebody else
You tell me you love me
I slept on your doorstep
Begging for one chance
Now that I finally moved on
You say that you missed me all along

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken

You're messing with my head
Girl that's what you do best
Saying there's nothing you won't do
To get me to say yes
You're impossible to resist
But I wouldn't bet your heart on it
It's like I'm finally awake
And you're just a beautiful mistake

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken

Thank you for showing me
Who you are underneath
No, thank you, I don't need
Another heartless misery
You think I'm doing this to make you jealous
And I know that you hate to hear this
But this is not about you anymore

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken

Now that you can't have me
You suddenly want me

What Makes You Beautiful-One Direction

Diposting oleh A note blog di 6:31 PM 0 komentar
[Verse 1]
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

[Verse 2]
So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaa,
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]

[Middle 8]
Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful ([Zayn:] Oh),
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately ([Zayn:] Desperately),
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful

I Should Have Kissed You-One Direction

Diposting oleh A note blog di 6:29 PM 0 komentar

I keep playing inside my head
All that you said to me
I lie awake just to convince myself
This wasn't just a dream

'Cause you were right here
And I should've taken the chance
But I got so scared
And I lost the moment again

It's all that I can think about, oh
You're all that I can think about

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away
When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

Every morning when I leave my house
I always look for you, yeah.
I see you everytime I close my eyes
What am I gonna do?

And all my friends say
That I'm punching over my weight
But in your eyes I
Saw how you were looking at me

It's all that I can think about, oh
You're all that I can think about

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away
When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

When you stood there
Just a heartbeat away
When we were dancing,
And you looked up at me
If I had known that
That I'd be feeling this way
If I could replay
I would have never let you go
No, oh
Never have let you go
Am I out of time?

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away
When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

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